Thursday, December 11, 2008

{a noble career}

{there is no nobler career than that of motherhood at it's best. there are no possibilities greater, and in no other sphere does failure bring more serious penalties. with what diligence then should she prepare herself for such a task. if the mechanic who is to work with "things" must study at technical school, if the doctor into whose skilled hands will be entrusted human lives, must go through medical much more should the mother who is fashioning the souls of the men and women of tomorrow, learn at the highest of all schools and from the Master-Sculptor Himself, God. to attempt this task, unprepared and untrained is tragic, and it's results affect generations to come. on the other hand there is not higher height to which humanity can attain than that occupied by a converted, heaven-inspired, praying mother.}{anonymous}

i was sharing recently with a friend, how i have been struggling recently as a mom. i feel like i have been daily failing my precious daughter, delaney. i more often then not choose my own selfishness over what is best for my child. often, instead of dealing with the heart issuse and choosing the course of righteousness, i remain in my laziness and sit her in front of cinderella. when i do choose to spend time training her, i speak to her about her choices being foolish and harmful. recently, i've realized that i need to recognize that by choosing to mother the way i have been, i am making choices that are {foolish and harmful}. when i stop and think about the heaviness that is involved in being a mother, it catches my breath. these are {eternal} souls that i am fashioning.

i started going through the notes from a motherhood seminar that i went to when delaney was just a few months old, and God has used this to refresh my spirit. i came across the passage above.

"there are no possibilities greater, and in no other sphere does failure bring more {serious} penalties." like death. spiritual death. this IS serious. i need to be on my knees, daily, sometimes hourly, praying. praying for my childrens' eternal souls. praying for myself as a mother, and for conviction and diligence in that God given role. "to attempt this task, unprepared and untrained is {tragic}, and it's results affect {generations to come}." how i choose to mother my children, will affect how they choose to mother theirs. that's big. i want my children to be able to take my example and apply it to their own kids, not have to consciously choose to train them differently then they were trained.

so, though this seems maybe like a downer post....really i am uplifted. i am thankful for this {exhortation} from God. i am thankful that God has made this heavy on my heart. it needs to be. always. and i want to encourage the mom's reading this post too! there is {no nobler career} than that of motherhood at it's best! let's get to mothering at our best. let's prepare ourselves and learn from the Master-Sculptor Himself. let's be on our knees, and allow our children to see us on our knees.

being a mom is not something that we can do, or should attempt to do on our own. but i praise our Father for His sovereignty. He is not out of control, He knows my needs, and He will meet them whilst teaching me to meet the needs of my children.


  1. raising children is the very hardest and later in life become the most rewarding thing you will ever do follow your heart o yea

  2. Robin, don't ever forget that God is gracious. Your failures and blunders as a mom are covered by His grace. That's not only speaking of forgiveness, but also of a blessing. For those who love Him, He will make all things work together for good. If you are following hard after Him, I believe that your failures and blunders will be outshone by your love and devotion to Christ.
