a little back story for you:
in 6th grade, my best friend Leah and i decided that i had a really terrible laugh.
like we thought it was so bad, that one night, we sat up for
probably 20mins straight {practicing} and trying to come up with a {better} different laugh for me.
we did not avail.
i tend to not laugh out loud.
we decided that since we couldn't find something better for me, it was just better if i laughed silently.
i'm like this girl:
oh man. it's {lame}.
i feel almost certain that i've annoyed quite a few people by saying "that's so funny" instead of just laughing.
i've also come to realize that people might interpret my quietness for being {humorless} which is just not so.
the truth is, i {love} to laugh.
do you know who makes me laugh the most?
this guy:
it's no wonder delaney's so funny with him for a daddy!
casey had done many great things to aid in seeing me grow as a woman and grow into my own identity.
he's helped me countless times work through insecurities, find their roots, and battle them down.
i am so {thankful} for him.
casey makes me laugh more then any other person or thing...and it's a darn good thing he loves me...
because boy oh boy, when i let loose with my laughter, it's all kinds of:
and just plain {crazy} sounds.
and i have so much {fun} laughing with him.
even during some of the most inopportune times, thankyouverymuch mr. egger.
i'm finding the {joy} in laughing.
laughing out loud and having fun with it.
and not caring what people think.
so be prepared.
i just might let loose on you someday soon....
maybe, i'll even put my guard down enough to let casey attempt to get it on video.
to be continued...