Monday, March 16, 2009

{it's happening}

what's {it} you ask?
i'm turning {26} on friday...and i was already having a mini meltdown that i will now be closer to age 30 then age 20....and then it happened.
i was doing the obligatory eye brow plucking when i noticed them.
gray hairs.
when delaney was about a year old, i noticed a significant decrees of hair on the crown of my head. I told casey about it and he tried to tell me my hair had always been that thin and you could always see my scalp so clearly.....
yeah right.
So i tried not to think about it.
when i was heavy with child {amelia to be exact} i went to my brutally honest turkish stylest.
he proceeded to tell me, i was balding.
i started using some special shampoo and conditioner.
then, when amelia was about 5 months old my hair {really} started to fall out.
it was all i could do to not cry every time i took a shower and saw the {clump} of hair in my hand.
i went to the dr. we tested my thyroid. nothing. it {could} have been that after pregnancy i had a hyper-active thyroid that regulated itself...but we're not sure.
i started taking a {special} medication to hopefully gain some re-growth.
before long, i started to see these little feathers peeking out from my scalp.
i was {so} happy! my hair is growing back!
then there was today.
when i found them.
i've always been a hair coloring kinda gal. i just like to change things up, and i did that by coloring my hair. however, because my hair was growing back, i've not colored my hair in {many} months.
it's official. though i'm growing hair back there is a {significant} amount growing in
what to do, what to do, what to do?!?!?!?!
I think that women who have a head full of silver look {indeering} and {beautiful} and {wise}.
So what do i do? Let my silver grown in? Cover it up with Dark Chocolate 204 from the box?

What would {you} do?


  1. Well, my friend, welcome to the club! I have had many more gray hairs since having a child, but I've had at least a few for five years. If I could dye them right now I would, but I'm not really supposed to when pregnant :( I'm planning on waiting until ALL of my hair is gray to let them have their way.
    So, there's my two cents

  2. I think you should wait a little while to see what it looks like--if it's all over or just here or there, or in a cool skunk patch like Stacy. :)

    My gray hair is actually white and wiry, so it's very easy to see, because it sticks STRAIGHT up out of my head!

  3. I'm with Amber. See what happens. But if you don't like it, then there ain't no shame in colorin!

  4. I vote for the dark chocolate 204 :)
