Monday, September 27, 2010

{and yet He loves me}

the other day, i was commenting to casey how {crazy} i thought
it was that though remi requires {everything} from me, and yet does {nothing} for me
i do not begrudge him, or get irritated with him for always needing me.
i simply {adore} {love} and {gladly} give of myself to him.

then, casey chose to {rock} my world... a good way...
with this comment-

"oh yeah? you should thank God for the same."

it's true.
it's {crazy}, that though i require {everything} from God, and yet do {nothing} for Him
He does not begrudge me, or get irritated with me for alway needing Him.
God simply {adores} {loves} and {gladly} gives of Himself to me...

...and to you.


  1. Great post. An eye-opener for me!

  2. love Remi's picture

    And I have often had the same realization when caring for E. :)
