Friday, September 10, 2010

{remi d}

remember a while back when i did posts about casey, the girls and i?
well, it's time you get to know the little {man}.here's installment #4.
this little man is 4.5 weeks old.

crazy. it goes by {way} too fast.we like to call him:
remi d
mr. man
rem rem

let me tell you, this sweet boy is easy going and handsome.
and he really likes to fart.
he is an incredibly {gassy} baby.
thankfully not in the fussy, his tummy hurts all the time way...
he just toots {all} {the} {time}.
he is easy going and laid back.his sisters are in {love} with him.
mind you, so am i.

he has crazy good {head} control.
he has {pimples}. poor boy.
he's starting to fill out and his legs are looking less chickeny.

since he's still a little cross eyed and basically eat, sleeps, and {yes} poops...
i don't have much else to report on his personality and character.
but we are sure thankful to have him around.


  1. I love the feet

  2. Wow, that photo of remi on his tummy looks a lot like one I have of Rourke...maybe they look alike.

  3. Hi wonderful Mother Robin;
    Thanks for sending the Arkies your latest stuff. I say, ' Mothers are what it is, Dads are only here to mow the lawn'. I'm near going to the worms. Your stuff makes me ponder, more than once. Rumor has it from your Grandpa, " she's going to Kansas. " Oh my goodness, I think. This is where flat was invented. Over, and over again. Oh well, it will be wonderful because you have such a great family that will make it so. Uncle Lew and Aunt Sharon.

  4. boys are so fun aren't they?
